AES Standards


(n.) The Audio Engineering Society (AES) standard under development for sound systems that use computer networks to control audio equipment. The title of the first published section is “Application Protocol for Controlling and Monitoring Audio Devices via Digital Data Networks—Part 1: Principles, Formats, and Basic Procedures.” The complete standard will be divided into several parts and issued separately. The second part is “Part 2: Data Types, Constants, and Class Structure.” The remaining two parts are under development by working group SC-10, the Subcommittee for Sound System Control. AES Standards bring the industry’s engineering teams together to facilitate new technologies, improve performance and ensure interoperability. AES3 (2-channel digital audio), AES10 (MADI), AES14 (analog XLR pin-out), AES67 (networked audio) are examples. Visit for the latest information.

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