(n.) The base-two numbering system that uses the digits 1 and 0 This system can be used to represent any type of data. Logic circuits can define these two digits as different states in many ways. Binary notation is not divided into discrete groups of four digits like binary-coded decimal notation. The value of each column increases by a power of two, from right to left (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64). Here are examples:
t0 = 0000t10t= 1010t
t1 = 0001t11t= 1011
t2 = 0010t12t= 1100
t3 = 0011t13t= 1101
t4 = 0100t14t= 1110
t5 = 0101t16t= 10000
t6 = 0110t32t= 100000
t7 = 0111t37t= 100101
t8 = 1000t64t= 1000000
t9 = 1001t74t= 1001010