Topics range from species counterpoint through post-tonal and beyond. See also the Dictionary of Digital Media.

- Absolute music
- Accelerando
- Accented passing tone
- Acciaccatura
- Accidental
- Accompaniment
- Acoustics
- Adagio
- Added-note chord
- Added values
- Additive rhythm
- Additive synthesis
- Aggregate
- Agogic accent
- Aleatoric
- Al fine
- Alla breve
- Allargando
- Allegro
- All-interval row
- Al segno
- American Federation of Musicians
- Ametric
- Analog synthesis
- Andante
- Anhemitonic pentatonic scale
- Answer
- Anticipation (ANT)
- Antiphon
- Antiphonal
- Applied dominant
- Appoggiatura (APP)
- A&R
- Arch form
- Arpeggio
- Arranger
- Articulation
- Artist
- Artist management
- Ascending
- Assignment
- Asymmetric meter
- A tempo
- Atonality
- Augmentation
- Augmented interval
- Augmented triad
- Aural
- Authentic modes
- Auxiliary tone
- Ballata
- Bar line
- Baroque
- Baryton
- Bass clef
- Basso continuo
- Basso ostinato
- Beam
- Bed
- Bemolle
- Best normal order
- Bicinia
- Binary form
- Bitonal
- Borrowed chord
- Brass instruments
- Bridge
- Cadence
- Cadential six-four
- Cadenza
- Caesura
- Cambiata
- Canon
- Cans
- Cantus firmus (CF)
- Canzona
- Canzonet
- Cartage
- Catalog
- C clef
- Chaconne
- Chance music
- Changing meters
- Chanson
- Chorale
- Chorale prelude
- Chord
- Chord with split members
- Chorus
- Chromatic
- Chromatic mediant relationship
- Chromatic pitch
- Chromatic pivot chord
- Chromatic scale
- Circle of Fifths
- Classical period
- Clearance
- Clearance agency
- Clef
- Click track
- Clipping
- Close position
- Coda
- Combinatoriality
- Comes
- Complex meter
- Compound interval
- Compound melody
- Compound meter
- Compound ternary
- Compulsory license
- Concert master
- Concerto
- Conjunct
- Console
- Consonance
- Consonant fourths
- Continuo
- Continuous ternary
- Continuous variations
- Contrafact
- Contrary motion
- Control room
- Co-publishing
- Copyright
- Copyright infringement
- Copyright notice
- Cori spezzati
- Counterexposition
- Countersubject
- Cover
- Crescendo
- Cross-relation
- Cue
- Da capo
- Deceptive cadence (DC)
- Decrescendo
- Degree inflection
- Delay
- Derived set
- Descending
- Diapason
- Diapente
- Diatessaron
- Diatonic
- Diatonic pitch
- Diesis
- Digital audio tape (dat)
- Digital synthesis
- Digital-to-analog converter
- Diminished interval
- Diminished scale
- Diminished triad
- Diminution
- Direct modulation
- Direct octaves or fifths
- Disjunct
- Dissonance
- Divisions
- Dodecaphonic
- Dolce
- Dominant
- Donut
- Dotted note
- Double
- Double bar
- Double flat
- Double fugue
- Double neighbor group
- Double sharp
- Dub
- Dur
- Dux
- Dyad
- Dynamic range
- Ecclesiastical modes
- Echappee
- Embellished resolution
- Enharmonic pitches
- Episode
- Escape tone (ET)
- Exposition
- Extended chords
- Extended techniques
- Fader
- False entry
- Familiar style
- Fantasia
- Fauxbourdon
- Fermata
- Fifth / 5th
- Figured bass
- Finalis
- First inversion
- Florid counterpoint
- Flutter-tongue
- Forte
- Forte label
- Fourth / 4th
- French augmented sixth (Fr+6)
- Frottola
- Fugato
- Fughetta
- German augmented sixth (Ger+6)
- Gig
- Gigue
- Glissando
- Gold album
- Golden mean
- Grand staff
- Graphic score
- Groove
- Ground
- Half cadence
- Half-step
- Harmonic interval
- Harmonic minor scale
- Harmonic progression
- Harmonic rhythm
- Hauptstimme
- Head arrangement
- Heads out
- Hemiola
- Hexachord
- Hirajoshi pentatonic
- Homophony
- Homorhythmic
- Hook
- Hot mike
- Imitation
- Imperfect authentic cadence (lac)
- Impressionism
- Incipit
- Indeterminacy
- Indie
- Insert
- Intellectual property
- Internal cadence
- International phonetic system
- Interval
- Interval class (IC)
- Interval class vector
- Interval number
- Intonation
- Introduction (intro)
- Invariance
- Invariant subset
- Invention
- Inversion form
- Inverted interval
- Invertible counterpoint
- Isorhythm
- Italian augmented sixth (It+6)
- Jewel case
- Key signature
- Klangfarbenmelodie
- Kumoi pentatonic
- Largo
- Leader tape
- Leading tone
- Lead sheet
- Ledger lines
- Legato
- License
- Linear harmony
- Liner notes
- Live electronics
- Loop
- Madrigal
- Madrigalism
- Major interval
- Major scale
- Major triad
- Mass
- Mastering
- Master use license
- Matrix (12-tone)
- Mechanical license
- Mechanical rights organization
- Mechanical royalties
- Mediant
- Melodic interval
- Melodic minor scale
- Mensurstriche
- Meter
- Microtone
- Middle 8
- Middle entries
- Minimalistic music
- Minor interval
- Minor triad
- Minuet and trio form
- Missa brevis
- Mix
- Mixer
- Modal
- Modal mixture
- Modes
- Modes of limited transposition
- Modulation
- Moll
- Monitor
- Monody
- Motet
- Multiphonics
- Musica ficta
- Music publisher
- Musique concrète
- Natural minor scale
- Natural sign
- Neapolitan chord (N or N6)
- Nebenstimme
- Neighbor group (NG)
- Neighboring tone (NT)
- Neoromanticism / new tonality
- Non-chord tone (NCT)
- Nonfunctional harmony
- Non-linear editing
- Nonretrogradable rhythm
- Normal order
- Nota cambiata
- Obbligato
- Oblique motion
- Octatonic
- Octave
- Octave displacement
- Octave equivalence
- One sheet
- Open position
- Opus
- Ornament
- Ostinato
- Outro
- Out takes
- Overdub
- Overtones
- Pandiatonic
- Pan-tonal
- Parallel keys
- Parallel motion
- Parody mass
- Passacaglia
- Passamezzo
- Passing six-four
- Passing tone (PT)
- Pavane
- Pedal six-four
- Perfect 4th
- Perfect 5th
- Perfect authentic cadence (PAC)
- Perfect intervals
- Perfect octave
- Perfect unison
- Performance royalties
- Performing right
- Performing rights organization (PRO)
- Period
- Petrushka chord
- Phase music
- Phrase
- Phrase group
- Piano
- Picardy third
- Pitch-centricity
- Pitch class
- Pivot chord modulation
- Pivot tone modulation
- Plagal cadence
- Planing
- Platinum album
- Pointillism
- Points of imitation
- Polychoral
- Polychord
- Polyphony
- Polytonality
- Pop music
- Postminimalism
- Post production
- Pre-chorus
- Prepared piano
- Prime
- Prime form (12-tone row)
- Production
- Programmatic music
- Proportional notation
- Public domain
- Punctum contra punctum
- Quantization
- Quartal and quintal chords
- Quartal harmony
- Range
- Real answer
- Realization
- Reciting tone
- Rectus
- Relative keys
- Renaissance period
- Response
- Responsory
- Retardation
- Retrograde
- Retrograde inversion
- Rhythm
- Rhythm and Blues
- Ricercar
- Rider
- Ritard
- Ritornello
- Romanesca
- Romantic period
- Rondo form
- Root
- Round
- Rounded binary
- Royalty
- Sample clearance
- Sampler
- Scale
- Scale degree
- Scansion
- Score
- Scriabin’s mystic chord
- Second / 2nd
- Secondary dominant
- Secondary leading tone chord
- Second inversion
- Sectional ternary
- Sectional variations
- Secundal chord
- Segmentation
- Semitone
- Sequence
- Sequencer
- Sequential modulation
- Serial music
- Seventh / 7th
- Seventh chord
- Sforzando
- Sibilance
- Similar motion
- Simple meter
- Simple ternary
- Simultaneity
- Sinfonia
- Sixth / 6th
- Slur
- Solfege
- Sonata
- Sonata da camera
- Sonata da chiesa
- Sonata form
- Sonata rondo
- Species counterpoint
- Sprechstimme
- Staccato
- Staff
- Standard
- Storyboard
- Stretto
- Strike
- Strophic
- Stylus
- Subdominant
- Subject
- Submediant
- Subset
- Subtonic
- Subtractive synthesis
- Subwoofer
- Suite
- Supertonic
- Suspension
- Sweeten
- Synchronization
- Syncopation
- Syncopation
- Tacet
- Tactus
- Tag
- Tails out
- Talkback
- Tape manipulation
- Tape recorder
- Tempo
- Ternary form
- Tertian harmony
- Tessitura
- Texture
- Third / 3rd
- Thorough bass
- Tie
- Timbre
- Time signature
- Toccata
- Tonal
- Tonality
- Tone row
- Tonic
- Transpose
- Transpositionally equivalent
- Treble clef
- Triad
- Trio sonata
- Triple counterpoint
- Triplet
- Tritone
- Tritone relationship
- Tutti
- Twelve-tone music
- Una nota supra La
- Union scale
- Unison
- Unresolved dissonances
- Vamp
- Verse
- Vibrato
- Villanella
- Virginal
- Voice over
- Voltage control
- Walla
- Waveform
- Wet
- Whole-step
- Whole tone scale
- Windscreen
- Woodwind family
- Word painting
- Work-for-hire